Program Overview
NTU has established a Memorandum of International Dual Degrees with several partner universities, facilitating the recognition of academic credits between institutions. Upon meeting the graduation criteria set by NTU and its partner university, students enrolled in this program can earn degrees from both institutions. This initiative offers students valuable opportunities for cultural exchange, encompassing language, academics, and culture, while also enhancing their international competitiveness through the attainment of local and global degrees.
For detailed school regulations, please refer to the document titled 國立臺灣大學辦理境外雙聯學位實施辦法 (in Chinese).

Temple University Dual Bachelor's Master's Degree
Founded in 1884 in Philadelphia, Temple University boasts 17 schools and colleges, offering over 540 degree programs, including distinguished academic achievements in fields such as Business and Management, Sports Business, Film Studies, and Psychology. Temple University accommodates approximately 40,000 students, maintaining a student-faculty ratio of 14:1.
In the DBMD program, students will spend three years in NTU’s undergraduate program and two years in Temple’s graduate program. Upon meeting the graduation requirements of both universities, students will be awarded a bachelor’s degree from NTU and a master’s degree from Temple University within a five-year period. This program enriches students through cultural exchanges in language, academics, and culture while enhancing their international competitiveness through the acquisition of both local and global degrees.
For more detailed information, please consult the slides presented by Ms. Irene Tsai, Managing Director of Temple University, Taiwan Representative Office, during the Temple University DBMD and Exchange Student Program Online Info Session.
The Temple University DBMD Program is a comprehensive dual degree initiative managed by NTU Study Abroad. Applications should be submitted through NTU with the necessary nomination.
Application Information (in Chinese)
- 申請資格
- 本校學士班3或4年級在學生(學士班畢業後亦可)
- 學年等第積分平均(GPA)須達3.3以上
- 英語能力:
成績須達TOEFL iBT 79或IELTS Academic 6.5或Duolingo 110分以上
*申請福斯商學院者,成績須達TOEFL iBT 90或IELTS Academic 7.0或Duolingo 120分以上
*申請媒體與傳播學院者,成績須TOEFL iBT 100或IELTS Academic 7.0或Duolingo 130分以上 - GRE:絕大多數Programs可豁免GRE成績,唯Fox School of Business有明定須提交GRE成績
*申請Fox School of Business有機會因歷年在校成績優異豁免提交GRE成績(依個案審理)
- 申請時程
- 2025秋季班(8-12月)
- 校內申請截止日期:2025年3月14日星期五下午4時
- 2026春季班(1-5月)
- 校內收件截止日期:2025年9月26日星期五下午4時
- 註:部分系所不接受春季班入學申請,申請前請先向姊妹校詢問(global.programs@temple.edu)
- 申請流程
- 請來信告知Jeffrey Huang敘明欲申請之學院計畫,以便協助與姊妹校核對身分、追蹤申請進度及辦理雙聯學位身分(須繳交本校行政計畫費新臺幣2,000元整,依《國立臺灣大學辦理本校學生赴境外研修要點》規範,計畫費一經繳交,概不退還。)
- 線上申請意願提出:
Step 1: 線上提出雙聯學位申請意願
Step 2: 寄送申請確認信至 global.programs@temple.edu.tw
Step 3: 提出申請意願後48小時內將收到進一步系所指示通知email,如未收到,請聯絡:global.programs@temple.edu - 正式申請資料繳交:
所有文件應通過學院系所各自的線上系統繳交- Boyer College of Music and Dance
- College of Education & Human Development
- College of Engineering
- College of Liberal Arts
- College of Public Health
- College of Science and Technology
- Fox School of Business
- Klein College of Media & Communication
- Lewis Katz School of Medicine
- School of Pharmacy
- School of Sport, Tourism & Hospitality Management
- School of Theater, Film, & Media Arts
- Tyler School of Art & Architecture
- 學費
- 計畫期間須同時在兩校註冊
- 本校:出國研修期間仍應繳交本校全額學雜費
- 各系所不同,請查詢 bursar.temple.edu/tuition-and-fees
- 行事曆
- Temple University Academic Calendar
- Students should arrive one week before the semester or as indicated by the academic department.
- Fall Semester: August – December; Spring Semester: January – May
- 課程資訊
- 住宿資訊
- Lodging (approximate): $7,500/semester (rent and utilities)
- Food cost: Approx. $1,500/Semester
- Temple Graduate Housing
- Non-Temple Housing (“Off-Campus”)
- 獎學金
DBMD students receive merit-based scholarships every semester, provided they maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Students do not need to apply. The scholarship is 10%- 20% of tuition based on GPA.
- 注意事項
• Graduate admission decisions are reviewed by the department to which the student chooses to apply. Most decisions are completed within 4-6 weeks after students submit a complete application package to Temple University.
• Visa information and I-20 application: https://isss.temple.edu/students/future-students/certificate-eligibility-application-process
- 負責人
KU Leuven & IMEC Dual Doctor's Degree
Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum VZW (IMEC) was established in 1984 as an international research and development innovation hub specializing in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. IMEC conducts cutting-edge research in advanced logic scaling through collaborations with key partners in its core programs, including GlobalFoundries, Intel, Micron, SK Hynix, Samsung, TSMC, Huawei, Qualcomm and Sony.
IMEC’s headquarters are situated in Leuven, Belgium, and it maintains dedicated research and development facilities worldwide, including locations in the Netherlands, Taiwan, China, and India. Additionally, IMEC has offices in the United States and Japan. Serving as a host research institute for Ph.D. research, IMEC has established dual-degree Ph.D. agreements with Flemish and international universities such as KU Leuven, UGent and VUBrussel.
In the dual doctoral degree program, students are required to spend a minimum of two years conducting research at NTU and a minimum of three years at KU Leuven / IMEC. Upon meeting the graduation requirements of KU Leuven, IMEC, and NTU, students will be conferred with a Ph.D. degree from both NTU and KU Leuven. This program offers students valuable opportunities for academic, language, and cultural exchanges, along with the benefit of earning a highly competitive local and international degree.
Application Information (in Chinese)
- 申請資格
- 本校博士班在學生
- 須在臺大就讀至少 2 年;在 KU Leuven 及 IMEC 進行研究至少 3 年
- IMEC PhD Admission Requirement
- 申請流程
- 逕至 IMEC 網站完成線上申請每年兩次申請入學:
- 時程1:3 月 15 日至 4 月 15 日
時程2:10 月 15 日至 12 月 15 日 - 申請後請告知Jeffrey Huang及聯絡所屬系所,通過後須至所屬系所辦理簽署個人附約
- 學費
- 計畫期間須同時在兩校註冊
- 本校:出國研修期間仍應繳交本校全額學雜費
- 比利時荷語天主教魯汶大學:approximately 450€, to be paid for the first registration and the registration at the time of the defense
- 負責人
College or Department-wide Programs
Our university’s various colleges and departments have collaborated with universities worldwide to offer dual-degree programs. For detailed information regarding the application process for college or department-level dual-degree programs, please contact the international office of the respective college or department directly.
Note: The information provided by each college or department is subject to periodic updates, so we recommend checking regularly for the most current details.
College of Science
- Department of Mathematics: Macquarie University
- Department of Chemistry: University of Bordeaux
- Department of Chemistry: Department of Molecular Genetics Erasmus Medical Center Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Department of Chemistry: Department of Chemistry - City University of Hong Kong
- Department of Geosciences: The University of Utah
- Department of Geography: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna
- Department of Atmospheric Sciences: The University of Utah
ℹ️ Contact
- Website: Office
- Telephone: +886-2-3366-4183
College of Liberal Arts
- Department of Anthropology: Faculty of Humanities Leiden University, The Netherlands Co-signed by the International Institute for Asian Studies
- Department of Chinese Literature: Hanyang University
- Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures: Department of Linguistics and Translation, City University of Hong Kong
ℹ️ Contact
- Website: Office
- Telephone: +886-2-3366-9117
College of Management
College-wide level
- Peking University
- Waseda University
- Kyoto University
Department-wide level
- Department of Business Administration: School of Labor and Employment Relations, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Department of Business Administration: Gies College of Business, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Department of Business Administration: City University of Hong Kong
- Department of Accounting: Singapore Management University
- Department of Accounting: Michigan State University
- Department of Accounting: University of Pittsburgh
- Department of Accounting: City University of Hong Kong
- Department of Accounting: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Department of Finance: Gies College of Business, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Department of International Business: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Department of International Business: Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University
- Department of Information Management: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
ℹ️ Contact
- Website: Office of International Affairs
- Telephone: +886-2-3366-5411
College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
College-wide level
- Peking University
- Tampere University
- City University of Hong Kong
- Technical University of Madrid
- Institute of Technology Bandung
- École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne France
- Paris-Saclay University
- Indian Institutes of Technology Bombay
Department-wide level
- Graduate Institute of Photonics & Optoelectronics: Ghent University
- Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering and Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia: Waseda University
- Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia:Eindhoven University of Technology
- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering: Chulalongkorn University
- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering: University of Padua
- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering: Paris-Sud University and Paris-Saclay University
- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering: ENSEA
- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering: National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse
ℹ️ Contact
- Website: Office
- Telephone: +886-2-3366-3697
College of Social Sciences
College-wide level
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Department-wide level
- Department of Political Science: Tohoku University
- Department of Political Science: Sciences Po Bordeaux
- Department of Political Science: Charles University
- Department of Political Science: Paris-Panthéon-Assas University
- Department of Political Science: Waseda University
- Department of Economics: Hokkaido University
- Department of Economics: City University of Hong Kong
ℹ️ Contact
- Website: Office
- Telephone: +886-2-3366-8300
College of Law
- Hitotsubashi University
- Kyushu University
- Indiana University
- Radboud University Nijmegen
- Yonsei University
- Tohoku University
- Queen Mary University of London
- Washington University in St. Louis
- University of Hamburg
- Ruhr University Bochum
ℹ️ Contact
- Wevsite: International Office
- Telephone: 02-33663366#55380
College of Bio-Resources & Agriculture
- Kyoto University
- University of Bordeaux
- University of Tsukuba
ℹ️ Contact
- Website: The Center for International Agricultural Education and Academic Exchanges
- Telephone: +886-2-3366-4215
College of Life Science
- University of Tsukuba
ℹ️ Contact
- Website: Center for International Academic Exchanges
- Telephone: +886-2-3366-4549
College of Engineering
College-wide level
- Kobe University
- Indian Institutes of Technology Bombay
Department-wide level
- Department of Civil Engineering: Kyushu University
- Department of Civil Engineering: University of California, San Diego
- Department of Civil Engineering: Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
- Department of Civil Engineering: Curtin University
- Department of Civil Engineering: Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
- Department of Civil Engineering: UNSW Sydney
- Department of Chemical Engineering: Chulalongkorn University
- 化Department of Chemical Engineering: Grenoble Alpes University
- Graduate Institute of Building & Planning: Delft University of Technology
- Graduate Institute of Building & Planning: Wasdeda University
- Graduate Institute of Building & Planning: Leiden University
- Graduate Institute of Building & Planning: Chulalongkorn University
- Graduate Institute of Building & Planning: City University of Hong Kong
ℹ️ Contract
- Website: Office
- Telephone:+886-2-3366-3275
College of Public Health
Application Information (in Chinese)
- 申請資格:本校在學學生且赴境外研修雙聯學位計畫(不含在職專班生)
- 獎助名額:由審查委員會視實際申請人數與財務狀況決定當年度獎助名額。
- 獎助額度:請參閱獎學金設置要點附表。