Overseas Research Internships
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Program Introduction
To encourage NTU students to engage in research internships at prestigious overseas institutions and gain early exposure to foreign academic research, NTU has partnered with esteemed universities. Through NTU Study Abroad, exceptional students will be nominated for these opportunities.
These research internship programs typically range from 3 to 6 weeks in duration. Guided by experienced faculty, students can delve into in-depth research in their respective fields, paving the way for future academic growth. Furthermore, each program offers subsidies covering accommodation and generous living allowances, allowing students to access world-class research resources with only personal expenses for airfare, visas, insurance, and more.
Rice University
Together with four top universities in Taiwan, the Rice Smalley-Curl Institute offers a five-week research internship at Rice University in Houston, Texas to female undergraduates in STEM. This program is ideal for students who are interested in learning more about research, increasing their English language proficiency, and gaining international laboratory work experience alongside graduate students, postdocs, and professors. Ten women are admitted each year and are matched with projects and research groups.
Other benefits include the opportunity to connect with Rice undergrads in campus activities, take part in language lunches, to take trips to points of interest in Houston, participate in events such as the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and to meet other international students, such as from Japan. In fact, MACHI is held in conjunction with TOMODACHI-Dow Women’s STEM Leadership and Research Program, which brings Japanese women in STEM to Rice. These two groups share lodging and experience a similar program schedule.
At the conclusion of the MACHI program, the students will gain a clear understanding of how advanced research works in a US setting and of their potential in pursuing advanced degrees.
Application Information (in Chinese)
- 計畫網站
- 計畫期程
11 October 2024 – 8 January 2025: Orientation and Program Foundation
Location: Virtual
Learn about career development, research investigation, team building and cultural exchange. Fluency and confidence building in English communication and oral presentations in intercultural contexts
10 February – 12 March 2025: Research Experience at Rice University
Location: Rice University – Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
Join a U.S. research laboratory and gain hands-on experience guided by a graduate student and professor
14 March 2025: Capstone presentations
Location: Rice University – Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
- 研習領域(STEM領域為主)
- Bioengineering
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Computational Applied Mathematics & Operations Research
- Computer Science
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Materials Science and NanoEngineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Statistics
- BioSciences
- Chemistry
- Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
- Kinesiology
- Mathematics
- Physics and Astronomy
- Nanoscale Science and Technology, Quantum Materials, and Quantum Information Science
- 名額
- 費用與補助
- 申請期限
- 校內申請期限:113年9月4日下午4時止
- 線上系統申請:獲推薦者,請於9月18日前於計畫網站完成線上申請
- 申請資格
- 本校理學院、工學院、生物資源暨農學院、電機資訊學院、醫學院、生命科學院、公共衛生學院研修STEM領域之學士班在學女學生。
- 英語能力TOEFL iBT 90(含)以上或IELTS 7.0(含)以上。(選繳, 請自行評估英文能力是否有達前述標準,將會由萊斯大學安排線上面試)
- 申請資料
- Resume or curriculum vitae(英文版)
- Unofficial college transcripts, in English (Academic History)(英文版歷年成績單,向教務處申請,須含112-2成績)
- The photo page of your passport
- 英語能力證明(選繳)
- 申請方式
- 申請人應備齊申請資料,按順序合併成 1個PDF電子檔,檔名設為學號+姓名,於校內申請期限內寄至 jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw (國際事務處黃子洋專員,02-3366-2007#228),校內書面審查結果將於9月11日前email通知。
- 獲本校推薦者請於 113年9月18日前於計畫網站完成線上申請(Start New Application→2025 SCI-TOMODACHI Application,進入後於Program Selection選擇MACHI),通過萊斯大學初審者,預計9月底由萊斯大學安排線上英文面試,還請留意通知,錄取結果由萊斯大學決定。
- 負責人
- 參考資訊
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) program is one of the “crown jewels” of Caltech. Since 1979, SURF students have had the opportunity to conduct research under the guidance of experienced mentors working at the frontier of their fields.
Application Information (in Chinese)
- 計畫分享會報名連結
NTU Study Abroad 邀請該校工程和應用科學系Harry A. Atwater, Jr.教授以及今年暑假本校參加此計畫的同學,舉辦分享會,分享計畫執行內容與心得,活動資訊如下,歡迎同學踴躍報名參加。
- 時間:2023年12月4日(星期一) 下午 12:30 至 1:30
- 地點:普通教學館 102 教室
- 分享嘉賓:美國加州理工學院工程和應用科學系Harry A. Atwater, Jr.教授
- 計畫網站
- 計畫期程
- 優先推薦領域
- Energy Particle Physics
- Astrophysics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Computer Science
- Neuroscience
- Enginnering
- 申請資格
- 本校大二以上學士生且113-1會繼續於本校註冊就讀者。
- 具上述研究領域足夠背景知識及經驗。
- 本校GPA每學期均須達2.7。
- 未受任何學術或紀律制裁。
- 補助方式、名額及金額
原則上非Caltech學生之補助須由指導老師支應,NTU Study Abroad 將推薦至多2名申請學生,由該計畫辦公室提供約7,000美元補助。(2023/11/9更新)
- 申請資料
- 英文版歷年成績表(向教務處申請,須含112-1修課紀錄/成績)
- 英文研究計畫書
- 英文推薦信2封
- 申請方式
所有申請者都須依SURF計畫網站說明,自行聯絡Caltech指導老師,建議參考計畫網站Announcements of Opportunity,確認獲老師同意指導後,於 2024年2月22日前 完成線上申請。
1. 如欲爭取本校推薦名額,請將個人簡歷、歷年成績單、研究計畫書,合併成1個PDF檔(檔名設為學號+姓名),於 2024年1月12日前 寄至jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw(國際事務處黃子洋專員,+886-2-3366-2007 #228)。
2. 通過校內審查者,NTU Study Abroad預計於1月下旬安排面談,時間將另行通知。
註:提供給 NTU Study Abroad 之研究計畫書,不限為最終版本,可單就繳件日期前與指導老師討論之計畫內容。
- 負責人
- 參考資料
Washington University in St. Louis
The International Student Research Internship Program is designed for students currently enrolled at an international university to participate in engineering research at Washington University in St. Louis during the summer months (May through August).
Application Information (in Chinese)
- 計畫網站
- 計畫期程
- 研究領域
- 錄取名額
- 補助項目
- 申請資格
- 本校學士班學生(大三優先)
- 具上述研究領域足夠背景知識及經驗
- 對研究有強烈動機與興趣
- 非美國公民或永久居民
- 申請資料
- 英文履歷表(A4兩面為限)
- 英文個人自述(可包含:general interests, objectives for the summer, background and preparation,A4一面為限,無標準格式)
- 英文版歷年成績表(向教務處申請,須含112-1修課紀錄)
- 推薦信2封
- 英語檢定成績單(選繳,托福或雅思須在2年內效期)
- 申請方式
於計畫網站完成線上申請後,將申請資料合併成1個PDF檔,包含履歷表、成績單、個人自述書、推薦信2封(檔名設為學號+姓名),於 2023年11月13日前 寄至 jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw(國際事務處黃子洋專員, +886-2-3366-2007 #228)。
- 負責人
- 參考資料
The University of Chicago
The Student Summer Research Fellowship Program, administered under the Computer Science Department, aims to recruit a group of highly motivated undergraduate students from our partner universities to join the faculty-led research groups and conduct research at UChicago in the summer (July and August). During the 8-week program, each student will spend their work time with one faculty member and their research team to conduct research. In addition, the program will organize group-based team-building activities, workshops, group projects, etc., that will expose students to the larger UChicago academic community.
Application Information (in Chinese)
- 計畫網站
- 計畫期程
- 錄取名額
- 補助項目
計畫總費用約為5,300美元(包含Tuition、Housing、Meals、Insurance、Student Fees、Program Fees):
- 芝加哥大學補助每名學生1,700美元。
- 本校補助經濟不利學生新臺幣90,000元整;一般學生新臺幣50,000元整。
註:經濟不利學生條件請參考希望出航海外見習實習學生獎學金設置要點,並提供相關證明。 - 其餘費用由學生自行負擔。
- 申請資格
研修computer science相關背景領域之學士生
- 申請資料
- Candidate Statement (word limit: 300)
- CV/Resume
- Undergraduate Transcript(英文版歷年成績單)
- English Requirement (TOEFL iBT Speaking 18 or above / IELTS Speaking 6 or above)
註:如無上述英語檢定成績者,則需要參加 UChicago AEPA考試,並達到”Basic” level or above。
- 申請方式
完成計畫線上申請後,請將申請資料合併成1個PDF檔,包含Candidate Statement、CV/Resume、Undergraduate Transcript、英文檢定成績單(檔名設為學號+姓名),於2024年2月28日前寄至jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw(國際處黃子洋專員,02-3366-2007#228),錄取結果由芝加哥大學審查決定。
- 負責人
- 參考資料
Welcome to the UChicago–Taiwan student summer research program in the Sciences (UCTS)! We initiated this program in 2023 to enhance research collaboration between principal investigators at the University of Chicago and in Taiwan via exchanging visiting students. In the year 2024, our focused areas of research include Physics, Astronomy, and Quantum Science.
Application Information (in Chinese)
- 計畫說明會資訊
- 時間:2023年12月18日(星期一) 晚上 22:00
- 主講人:美國芝加哥大學 金政教授
注意:報名將於 12月18日中午12:00 截止報名,線上平臺連結將另外寄發
- 計畫網站
- 計畫期程
- 錄取名額
- 補助項目
學生會以 Non-Degree Visiting Student (NDVS) 身分參加此計畫,並註冊於芝大Physical Science Division,將獲補助減免tuition、fees、on-campus housing等費用,其餘費用由學生自行負擔。
注意:芝大提供校內住宿期間為 2024年6月5日至 8月17日 ,如計畫執行超過此期限,須自理後續住宿事宜。
- 申請資格
- 申請資料
- CV
- 英文版歷年成績表(向教務處申請,須含112-1修課紀錄/成績)
- 英文版研究經驗與計畫自述書(限以A4一面)
- 臺大師長推薦信1封
- 芝大指導老師邀請信1封
- 申請方式
於計畫網站完成線上申請後,將申請資料合併成1個PDF檔,包含CV、英文版歷年成績表、研究經驗與計畫自述書、臺大師長推薦信、芝大指導老師邀請信(檔名設為學號+姓名),於 2024年2月1日 前寄至 jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw,(Jeffrey Huang)最終錄取結果由芝加哥大學通知。
- 負責人
The University of Hong Kong
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) Summer Research Programme 2024 is a 10-week intense research training programme with networking and extra-curricular activities for elite students around the world who are interested in pursuing research postgraduate studies at HKU.
Application Information (in Chinese)
詳細資訊請參考Lists of Potential Mentors。
- Architecture
- Arts
- Business & Economics
- Dentistry
- Education
- Enginnering
- Law
- Medicine
- Science
- Social Sciences
- 申請資格
- 補助方式、名額及金額
NTU Study Abroad 將推薦至多10名申請學生,由該計畫辦公室提供獎學金補助如下:
- 計畫完成後將得到HK$10,000獎學金補助
- 機票與住宿分別至多補助HK$5,000
- 計畫表現優異者將額外獲得獎勵
- 計畫表現優異者有機會獲得HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship,繼續於港大攻讀博士班
- 申請資料
- CV;及
- Personal statement;及
- Research interest;及
- 英文版歷年成績表(向教務處申請,須含112-1修課紀錄;碩士生須另外檢附英文版學士畢業成績單);及
- 英語能力測驗成績單。
- 申請方式
將CV、Personal statement、Research interest、歷年成績單、英語能力測驗成績單等資料,合併成1個PDF檔(檔名設為學號+姓名),於 2023年12月25日前 寄至 jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw(國際事務處黃子洋專員,+886-2-3366-2007 #228),將由 NTU Study Abroad 團隊進行審查,通過校內審查者,本校將推薦至香港大學。
- 負責人
École polytechnique
The Research Program for International Talents gives undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students from international partner universities of the École polytechnique the opportunity to complete a 3- to 6-month research project in one of the laboratories.
Application Information (in Chinese)
- 計畫網站
- 計畫期程
- 研究領域
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Computer Science
- Philosophy
- 申請資格
- 補助方式
- 推薦名額
- 申請資料
- Approval by your home institution(填妥後,請交由 NTU Study Abroad 團隊簽章)
- Résumé
- Statement of purpose
- 英文歷年成績表(向教務處申請,須含112-1修課紀錄,研究生請一併檢附大學以來所有成績單)
- 英文推薦信2封
- 護照資料頁
- 申請方式
〈École Polytechnique端線上申請〉
依計畫網站說明,於 2024年1月17日 前完成線上申請。
將個人履歷、研究計畫書(Statement of Purpose)、歷年成績單、推薦件2封,合併成1個PDF檔(檔名設為學號+姓名),於 2024年1月3日 前寄至 jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw(國際事務處黃子洋專員,+886-2-3366-2007 #228),以利 NTU Study Abroad 完成審查、推薦。
註:如推薦者不便提供推薦信予申請者,請推薦者轉寄推薦信至 jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw 。
- 負責人