NTU-Led Programs

NTU-Led Programs
  1. Currently enrolled NTU students (including new graduates) who fulfil the requirements set by partner universities.
  2. Participants must follow the predetermined program schedule and travel with the group from beginning to end (group flight tickets will be booked by NTU Study Abroad). The application must be submitted through NTU with the nomination. Applicants cannot directly apply to partner universities.
  1. Complete the online application, make the payment, and submit the required documents along with the payment receipt to NTU Study Abroad. Late submissions will not be accepted.
  2. When full, acceptance will be granted on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Handbook for 2022/2023AY Overseas Summer Programme Students

Note: 2024 Timeline (2nd Round)
   26 March:
Online application begins
   08 April: Online application end
   10 April: Notification of admission
   11 April: Admission begins (print invoice)
   18 April: Admission end (payment due date)
   End of April: 
Complete Oxford registration
   End of May: Sign the insurance document
   June: Pre-departure briefing

Please follow our Instagram for more event information!

Note: 2024 Timeline (Same as Oxford 2nd Round)
   26 March: 
Online application begins
   08 April: Online application end
   10 April: Notification of admission
   11 April: Admission begins (print invoice)

   18 April: Admission end (payment due date)
   Mid-May: Complete Heidelberg registration
   Mid-June: Sign the insurance document
   July: Pre-departure briefing

Please follow our Instagram for more event information!

Note: Due to difficulties with course dates and dormitory arrangements, registration will be changed to individual registration only. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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適逢端午假期,NTU Study Abroad 團隊將於 112/6/22 至 6/25 暫停服務。造成不便,敬請見諒。
In observance of the Dragon Boat Festival, NTU Study Abroad Team will be unavailable during 22 - 25 June 2023. Thank you for your understanding.

適逢農曆新年假期,NTU Study Abroad 團隊將於 114/1/24 至 2/3 暫停服務。祝大家新年快樂,蛇麼都順!

Please note that NTU will be closed in observance of the Lunar New Year (24 January - 3 February 2025). We wish you a Happy Year of the Snake!
