
New Consultation Hours for NTU Study Abroad

 發布日期:26 December 2023 10:42


⏰ 週一至週五 上午9時30分至下午1時 


提醒你,除成績單「與正本相符」核章外,若有文件(如:交換學校申請文件、住宿資格保留申請書、役男出境申請書、交換資格變更/放棄聲明書等)需核章或簽名者,可使用 Email 方式提供給 NTU Study Abroad 團隊,謝謝。

NTU Study Abroad 臺大海外教育計畫 敬上

In response to the upcoming workspace adjustment at the Office of International Affairs (NTU-OIA), the new consultation hours for NTU Study Abroad will be:

⏰ 9:30 am – 1:00 pm, Monday to Friday ⏰

For in-person consultations, please make an appointment in advance and visit the Office of International Affairs during your reserved time slot. 

If you require a signature or stamp for your application documents, you may directly email them to the NTU Study Abroad Team.

With best regards
NTU Study Abroad Team


適逢端午假期,NTU Study Abroad 團隊將於 112/6/22 至 6/25 暫停服務。造成不便,敬請見諒。
In observance of the Dragon Boat Festival, NTU Study Abroad Team will be unavailable during 22 - 25 June 2023. Thank you for your understanding.
