

為鼓勵本校學生赴海外名校參與研究實習計畫,提前體驗國外專業領域學術研究及培育國際經驗,本校特與各校洽談合作,由NTU Study Abroad推薦優秀學生參加。




Rice University

The Rice Smalley-Curl Institute offers the MACHI program, a five-week research internship at Rice University in Houston, Texas, for female undergraduates in STEM. Participants gain hands-on research experience, improve their English proficiency, and work in international laboratories alongside graduate students, postdocs, and professors. Ten women are selected annually and matched with research projects. The program includes campus activities with Rice undergrads, language lunches, trips to points of interest in Houston, participation in events like the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and shared experiences with Japanese students from the TOMODACHI-Dow Women’s STEM Leadership and Research Program. By the program’s end, participants gain insights into advanced US research settings and their potential for advanced degrees.



California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) program is one of the “crown jewels” of Caltech. Since 1979, SURF students have had the opportunity to conduct research under the guidance of experienced mentors working at the frontier of their fields.

  1. 本校大二以上學士生,且114-1會繼續於本校大學部註冊就讀者。
  2. 本校GPA每學期均須達2.7。
  3. 未受任何學術或紀律處分。
  • 由Caltech指導老師提供補助;
  • 由本校校友捐贈予SURF計畫辦公室之BaBar-SURF Fund 提供補助(本校可推薦5-8名學生)

2024/12/17 Caltech通知關於BaBar-SURF Fund補助調整:

SURF program計畫補助本校學生方式將比照Caltech學生,半額由計畫辦公室經費支應、半額由mentor支應,上述計畫辦公室經費將由BaBar-SURF Fund補助,名額至多8名

SURF Program has agreed that the SURF awards for NTU students will be handled in the same manner as those for Caltech students. Specifically, the BaBar-SURF will sponsor half of the SURF awards and Caltech professors will come up the other half. As a result, Caltech SURF program will now be able to accommodate up to eight NTU students.

申請者於聯繫mentor時,請提供此網頁 SURF and NTU – Student-Faculty Programs(因網域限制,僅Caltech網域能開啟)給mentor參考BaBar-SURF Fund資訊。

NTU-SURF applicants have the opportunity to be sponsored by the BaBar-SURF fund which will cover half of their funding. For more information, please refer to the website SURF and NTU – Student-Faculty Programs.

所有申請者都須依SURF計畫網站說明,自行聯絡Caltech指導老師,建議參考計畫網站Announcements of Opportunity,確認獲老師同意指導後,於 2025年2月22日前 完成線上申請。 

【臺大甄選─BABAR-SURF Fund推薦名額】
如欲爭取本校推薦名額,請將英文版個人CV簡歷、歷年成績單、研究計畫書,合併成 1個PDF檔(檔名設為學號+姓名),於 2025年2月7日前 寄至jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw(國際事務處黃子洋專員,+886-2-3366-2007 #228)。

註:提供給 NTU Study Abroad 之研究計畫書,不限為SURF計畫線上申請之最終版本,可單就繳件日期前與Caltech指導老師討論之計畫內容,並敘明指導老師是否提供補助。


Washington University in St. Louis

The International Student Research Internship Program is designed for students currently enrolled at an international university to participate in engineering research at Washington University in St. Louis during the summer months (May through August).



The University of Chicago

The Student Summer Research Fellowship Program administered under the Computer Science Department aims at recruiting a group of highly motivated undergraduate students from our partner universities to join the faculty-led research groups and conduct research at UChicago in the summer (July and August). During the 8-week program period, each student will spend their work time with one faculty member and their research team to conduct research. In addition, the program will organize group-based team building activities, workshops, group projects etc. that will expose students to the larger UChicago academic community.

Computer Science Student Summer Research Fellowship 申請資訊

Welcome to the UChicago–Taiwan Student Summer Research Program in the Sciences (UCTS)! We initiated this program in 2023 to enhance research collaboration between principal investigators at the University of Chicago and in Taiwan via exchanging visiting students. Our focused areas of research include Physics, Astronomy, and Quantum Science.

UChicago–Taiwan Student Summer Research Program in the Sciences 申請資訊


The University of Hong Kong

The University of Hong Kong (HKU) Summer Research Programme is an intense research training programme with networking and extra-curricular activities for elite students around the world who are interested in pursuing research postgraduate studies at HKU.

  1. CV: highlighting your academic achievement, research experience, and professional credentials
  2. Personal statement (300-500 words) describing: your reason(s) for applying to the HKU Summer Research Programme; what do you hope to gain from this experience; your short and long-term career goals; and the HKU Programme(s) that interest you.
  3. Research interest (100-200 words): Visit the homepage of your proposed faculty/department/unit and describe the research topic(s) that interest you, and the area(s) that you would like to focus on if you are admitted to the HKU Summer Research Programme 2025.
  4. 英文版歷年成績表(向教務處申請,須含113-1修課紀錄;碩士生須另外檢附英文版學士畢業成績單)
  5. 英語能力測驗成績單。


如欲爭取本校推薦名額,請將CV、Personal statement、Research interest、英文版歷年成績單、英語能力測驗成績單等資料,合併成 1個PDF檔(檔名設為學號+姓名),於 2025年1月16日前 寄至jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw(國際事務處黃子洋專員,+886-2-3366-2007#228),以利本校完成審查、推薦。



École Polytechnique

The Research Program for International Talents gives undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students from international partner universities of the École polytechnique the opportunity to complete a 3- to 6-month research project in one of the laboratories.







  1. Approval by your home institution(填妥後,請交由 NTU Study Abroad 簽章)
  2. Detailed Résumé
  3. Statement of purpose
  4. 英文歷年成績表(向教務處申請,須含113-1修課紀錄,研究生請一併檢附大學以來所有成績單)
  5. 英文推薦信2封
  6. 護照資料頁

如欲爭取本校推薦名額,將Approval、Detailed Résumé、Statement of Purpose、歷年成績單、推薦件2封,合併成 1個PDF檔(檔名設為學號+姓名),於 2024年12月30日 前寄至 jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw(國際事務處黃子洋專員,+886-2-3366-2007 #228),以利本校完成審查、推薦。
註:如推薦者不便提供推薦信予申請者,請推薦者轉寄推薦信至 jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw 。

【École Polytechnique端線上申請】
不論是否受本校推薦,所有申請者都須依計畫網站說明,皆須於 2025年1月17日 前完成線上申請


Cornell University

This program provides undergraduate students an opportunity to pursue research projects under the supervision of Cornell faculty.

  • Computer and Information Science
  • Public Policy and Political Science
  • International Business and Finance

詳細資訊請參考 Selected Research Projects


適逢端午假期,NTU Study Abroad 團隊將於 112/6/22 至 6/25 暫停服務。造成不便,敬請見諒。
In observance of the Dragon Boat Festival, NTU Study Abroad Team will be unavailable during 22 - 25 June 2023. Thank you for your understanding.
